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Delicious Brownie and Cookie Cake!

Hello, dessert cookers and soon to be pastry chefs! Its me, Blessing, from Blessing's Creations and this week you will be cooking a triple decker brownie cookie cake!


Here are the ingredients:

*The measuring cups you are going to need are 1/3, 1/2 and 1 tablespoon

The first thing you are going to do is get your butter, batter, and egg and put it in a bowl, if you don't have butter and an egg than use oil and water. Mix it until it’s thick enough where it takes a few seconds to drop if you turn the spoon, fork, or spatula your using. It should look something like this:

Put the cookie dough in the pan and let it back for 8 minutes, so that the “outside” or top of the cookie batter will harden so it can take the wait of the Oreos and brownies. The oven will be put to 350 degrees for baking.

Now lets start on the brownie mix, get two eggs, 3 tablespoons of water, and 1/2 a cup of oil, but this depends on what brand of brownies you got, I got Duncan Hines. Mix the eggs, water, and oil together until you get a thick, loose mixture. Put your Oreos on top of the cookie, don’t stack them, if you can’t fit a whole Oreo then break it in half. After you put your Oreos on top start pouring the brownie mix on top of the Oreos, like this

Baking time! Put the cake in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes, poke holes in it with a skewer, if little crumbs come off of it the it’s ready. If it’s still under baked then put it back in the oven, I had to put it back in the oven for 20 more minutes. Boom, your done!

This is the side view of the cake, you can decorate it if you would like to,but i decided not to

Except for whipped cream and Oreos!

I really enjoyed my dessert, and I hope you did too! Thank you guys for following along with this food post this week! Tell me what you guys think about this week‘s blog, also show us what you guys got as YOUR finished product in the forum! If you want to see more crafty things go follow my blog, also before you go on my blog please don’t expect too much cause i just started and I haven’t posted anything on there yet, so I have to find something to do on there. Sorry guys! Also you should check out kawaii, she is the other blogger on this blog, , go check out her blog! Thank you for reading!

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Blessing’s Creations
Blessing’s Creations
Mar 01, 2020

Sorry you set it at whatever temperature that the box says but I put it on 350


Mar 01, 2020

Just a question what do u set the oven to? 😕

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