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4 Fun Things You Can Do At Home!

Hello everyone and welcome back to A B Crafts. This week as you may have seen I am showing you 4 Fun Things You Can Do At Home! Let's start!

Number one is to "Switch Things Up", and what I mean by that is to sleep somewhere you normally wouldn't. Like in the living room, in you parents room. really whatever you want! I think this is a great thing to do if your stuck at home for a day or two.

Number 1

Number two is to pick someone - anyone - and pick a book, and you and the other person read the book at the same time. Then, after you're done reading, you talk or call about your favorite part and your least favorite part. I think a good way to do this is have a book mark and just take notes as you go. You can use a piece of notebook paper or if you want - I have a printable that will be link at the bottom if you want to use that!

Number 2

Number three is if someone in your family is not feeling 100% you can make them a "Get Well Basket".This is a little thing that is so easy to make and is really cute for whoever you are giving it to. If you need some help with what to add, here is what I added!

Number 3

1 A book I thought they mite like

2 A toy they could play with

3 A snack and some water

4 Some lotion

5 Hand-sanitizer

6 Lip balm

And I put that all in a basket!

Number 3

Number 4 is to pick a place in your house and tell your family to bring stuff to that place that they would let you borrow. Then, after they have all done that, everyone goes and picks like three things and they get to play with that or have it for one week. After that week you bring it back and do it again!

Number 4

And that's it! I hope you like all these things you can do at home! If you did then please give it a heart! And leave a comment for some more things you can do at home!

The bookmarks!

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