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Easy to Make Enamel Pins!

Updated: May 18, 2020

Hello, fellow pinners and soon to be Professional enamel pinners! It’s me, Blessing, from Blessing’s Creations and this week you will be creating homemade enamel pins that you can put on as a designers touch!


Here are the supplies you will using for the first option:

*Mod Podge (Regular Modge Podge)


*Paint brush

*Your design

*Hot glue gun

*Safety pin *Wax paper

Now get your cardboard and before you do anything make sure that the cardboard your using is thin like cereal box cardboard, so you can use a cookie box, cereal box, Crayon box, basically any box that is thin.

After you get the correct cardboard cut out a piece big enough for your design. Get your Modge Podge, paint brush, and cardboard and lather a coat of Modge Podge on the cardboard and put your design on, then put another coat of Modge Podge on top of the design. Now just wait until it drys.

Here is a diagram of what the card board and Modge Podge should look like:

* Modge Podge *

* Your design *

* Modge Podge *

* Cardboard *

Just in case your wondering Modge Podge is a type of glue and gloss, some are glossy and some aren’t. I used the non-glossy Modge Podge.

When your cardboard Modge Podge is dry, cut around your design to where you like it. I advise to make it so you can’t see the cardboard, like this.

This is the easy part now, get your hot glue gun and put the hot glue on the safety pin and stick it on the back of your new enamel pin! Now that’s how to make one out of four ways to make enamel pins! Heres the finished product:

Here comes the second option of homemade enamel pins! This way is pretty easy, but your going to have to check out my blog post from, Blessing’s Creations, to learn how to do the “first part”. Let’s get going to the second part then, get your cardboard and stick the sticker on. Cut the edges of the cardboard and the sticker just like in the last paragraph.

( sadly I lost the pictures for this option. I will make a post on this in the forum )

All you have to do now get your hot glue gun and hot glue the safety pin to the back of your pin, and that’s the second option for making easy, peasy enamel pins!

This option is the most durable one, but you have to use a little bit more supplies. Get your design, wax paper, hot glue gun, safety pin, and scissors and let’s get crafting!The first step is to cut your design out and get your wax paper in front of you. Put a blob of hot glue on the wax paper and then place your design on top of the hot glue. Put another piece of wax paper on top of the design and hot glue and get something round and squish until the glue get all over your design, if you need it add more glue then add more. Like this:

Now that you have one side of the hot glue on, turn your design over and do the same thing on the non- hot glue side.

Just trim the edges of the hot glue, hot glue the safety pin on and BAM your done!

Another way to make enamel pins is to do the same exact thing you did in the paragraph above this one except you only cover one side with hot glue instead of two. The side with hot glue would be the back of your design ( The side that is white ) and the front would be paper, which looks like this:

Here is what all of the enamel pins look like:

I hope you enjoyed the make your own enamel pins! Thank you for reading this week! Tell me what you guys think about this week‘s blog, also show us what you guys got as your test results in the forum! If you want to see more crafty things go follow my blog, Also you should check out kawaii, she is the other blogger on this blog, , go check out her blog! Here is the link to my blog post on Blessing’s Creations, Thank you for reading!

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