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Make Your Own Shirt Design!

Hello, fellow crafters and soon to be designers! It‘s me, Blessing, from Blessing’s Creations and this week you will be making a personally designed T- shirt! *I’m really sorry for not posting on Saturday, but next time I will be punctual!*

Here are the supplies you will need:

*Your also going to need an ironing board and iron!

The first step to making this beautiful T- shirt is to get either a computer, phone, or tablet to make your special design, drawing or whatever you decide to create! After you get your design, print it out on normal printer paper. Once it prints out you are going to need an X- Acto knife (also known as a craft knife) or scissors if you prefer that.

Once you cut out your design, you are going to need these supplies:

The next step is to wrap your design in plastic wrap like a sandwich, so you would have one piece of plastic wrap on the bottom, then your design on top of it, then another piece of plastic wrap on top of that. After you make your plastic wrap sandwich, you will have to cut it to the edge, but don’t go too close. Make a little or big gap, sort of in the middle. Once you have that perfect edge fold it all the way to the design so it looks like this:

Since my design has gaps that’s supposed to be clear I cut out the white bits and folded the plastic wrap around the pieces that are clear.

After that step you will have to figure out your placement where you want your design to be on your shirt. Once you figure that out, you are going to need the wax paper now! Get your iron and ironing board and lets get the fun part going!

Your going to have to get a steam iron, as in if you have a steam iron or any iron that has a area to put water in, DON‘T PUT WATER INSIDE OF IT!! We just need the heat to melt the plastic wrap. Now put the the wax paper over your design and focus on the edges, so it won’t come off. If it does come off when you take the wax paper off, then just get more plastic wrap and put it on the bottom ONLY, then put the wax paper on and put the iron on again. If you need to do more ironing and plastic wrapping then do more! Just remember to put the wax paper on because then it will get stuck on your iron or worst. Like this:

Here is my finished product:

I’m really satisfied about how it came out! Thank you guys for following along with this craft this week! Tell me what you guys think about this week‘s blog, also show us what you guys got as YOUR finished product in the forum! If you want to see more of these crafts go follow my blog, also before you go on my blog please don’t expect too much cause i just started and I haven’t posted anything on there yet, so I have to find something to do on there. Sorry guys! Also if you like this post then you should check out kawaii, she is the other blogger on this blog, , go check out her blog! Also sorry for not doing a “What I Like “ blog post, I just had a really good post idea and couldn’t stop thinking about it! Thank you for reading!!

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Jan 20, 2020

Love it Blessing! And NP abt the "What I like" post I love this one tell us what you think we should do next we are very open to suggestions!!👇👇💟😜

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